Our build system uses Premake5. For convenience we have premake5.exe binary in bin directory.
Premake generates Visual Studio solution in directory vs2022 from premake5.lua file. Generated solution files are stored in the repository for convenience.

When to run premake #

Premake re-generates Visual Studio project files from premake5.*.lua files.
You only need to do that if you add or remove source files.
To re-generate:
Relevant files:
PS C:\Users\kjk\src\sumatrapdf> ls *.lua
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         4/24/2020 12:20 AM          22947 premake5.files.lua
-a----          5/4/2020  7:51 PM          23565 premake5.lua

Customizing build #

Sometimes we want to customize the build with #ifdef. We could do it by adding additional configurations, but that can spiral out of control quickly.
Instead we have src\utils\BuildConfig.h file. It’s empty by default but you can changed it to add your #define customization.

Build variants #

We have Debug, Release and ReleaseAnalyze configurations. ReleaseAnalyze runs code analysis.
We have platforms:

How official builds are made #

I use a Go program in do directory, executed with .\doit.bat -build-pre-rel or .\doit.bat -build-release.
